Диабетическая ассоциация Великобритании выходит из IDF !!!
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th March 2018
For the attention of the President and Board of IDF Global
Dear President and IDF Board Members,
It is with great regret that we have taken the decision that Diabetes UK will not be
renewing our membership of the IDF.
We have taken this decision as the IDF is no longer able to demonstrate the
minimum level of robust and transparent governance which we expect as a
Member Association.
Within the last two years, we have written to the Board on at least four occasions
to raise concerns, but there has been no recognition in return of the need to act
and, it appears, no action taken.
We have, in this time and with others, expressed concern about the summary
removal of the CEO role, leaving a supposedly strategic Board too heavily
involved in the day to day operational decisions of the Federation. We have
asked for clarification on what the previous President openly described as being
financial irregularities at the heart of the IDF and on which he committed to
commission a review, but no report or account has ever been shared with the
Member Associations.
The lack of any consultation and communication with Member Associations about
the IDF’s strategy and plan of action means that, effectively, Member
Associations have no say in its activities, despite funding the Federation. We can
no longer defend this situation before our donors and supporters.
Furthermore, recent issues in relation to the election of new Board members, and
the President’s and the Board’s inability to resolve these issues, convince us
further that the IDF needs to radically upgrade its governance and executive
arrangements, if it is to satisfy its Member Associations about its ability to
oversee the financial security of the Federation and to bring positive change to
the lives of people affected by diabetes globally.
As a founding member of IDF since 1950, Diabetes UK has watched the
developments of the organisation over the last two years with growing concern
and we do not take this decision, to break our continuous membership of and
support to the Federation, either lightly or without great sadness.
We expect to make a donation to the work of Life for a Child in the near future
and will direct funds we would have used to renew our membership towards this
good work.
Yours sincerely,
Sir Peter Dixon Chris